Thursday, March 29, 2018

 So, the black walnut is reminiscent of my younger years and I still love the flavor of the nut. The fun is getting the meat out of the shell because it can't just get cracked with a nutcracker..a hammer or brick works every time.  Great memories!!...healthy eating.  This painting is oil on canvas and I cut it out to give the painting personality.  Its hanging on my wall but could be used for a place mat too...(later in 2017)

I call this one simply "HorSEY".  Its oil pastel sticks on a cardboard thing used as a cover in a coffee maker package.  It made a perfect frame for him.  I think it shows I'm trying to come back to painting.  School took the drive away for a little while but its in me so I'm at it again.  Being 71 tho, well, I hope you enjoy my work.  Times have changed for sure. (02/2018)

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

These are "Chickie" and "Diva" respectfully.  Both were finished in the later months of 2017.

So now we are into the year 2018.  Today is the 9th and so far so good.  I have applied to the U of M to work on my MFA.  I applied in December but found out I won't hear back until February and school will start in September.  Lordy!!  I thought I would be in there by now but this means I have lots of time to prepare. I'm excited actually because I made this decision and I'm going to see it through.  I'll be close to 74 or 75 when I'm done.  Amazing isn't it?  Maybe I will finally get to share the work I do on a level that matters.  Who knows...but as I said, I'm excited about it.

2018 came in and so far it feels good.  Time will tell.

I have been painting a little and I will share so with that...thanks for being here.

Update: U of M MFA did not work out so on to the next thing whatever that may be.  (03/2018) I will keep you posted...