Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Here are a few more I've been playing around with since 2015.  I thought I had quit painting but I guess I haven't.   Its a part of me and now its a part of my daughter.  Mr. Brice, me and now her.  Life is good!!!

                                                        This one is simply "friends".

This is "Elle".

                                                    This one is called "The Visitors".

June 13, 2017

In a few days I'll be 71 years in age.  71!  I am still me on the inside but sometimes I have to do a double take when I see my image when passing a window or in the mirror.  Its all good tho, all good.  I now have a new mouth so to speak and yes, my speaking should improve because my appearance surely has.  I think I'm happier and more confident just within the last week which is how long I've had this new adjustment.  These days I am in a flux because I don't have a direction, a real purpose.  I figure I do but I haven't figured out what it is.  My conclusion is to get past this birthday and maybe find a place to volunteer to get me out of here and then maybe find a little parttime something or other to boost my income.  I don't think its going to get to the point of greatness simply because I am the age that I am and this world does not recognize too many old people in the employment world.

Well, I just spilled my guts this morning and maybe I feel better putting it out there.  Whatever!  I'm two days shy of being 71!

This is my latest art piece.