Thursday, December 31, 2020

This selfie is from this month and I kind of like it...its in my bathroom but a selfie is a selfie no matter where. hahhaha  so here I am in December 2020. 

 And so now, tonight, we go into 2021.  What a year 2020 has been.  Its a pleasure, a joy, a happening to leave it behind.  The virus has taken too many lives and now they say there is another strain of the same.  There has been a lot of unnecessary brutality by police, climate change is doing its thing, KoKo died on May 24th, schools have been closed, people can't gather even tho they are doing it anyway and this is just a mention of all that happened in 2020.  But Trump is out of office, a positive. Sometimes I think we have to go thru bad to get to good, I think its dark before dawn, I think we have to crawl before we walk but I believe if we have faith, if we believe then we do overcome. Many say life is a bitch and then you die...well here we are but they also say, it ain't over til the fat lady sings.  Is she singing? 

I am 4 credits away from my Masters degree.  So by June of 2021 if devastation is not too great, I will be 75 with a Masters.  What then?  I do have a tendency to go with the flow, maybe follow the wind so I don't know what I will do next.  But I will be doing something, that's for sure!!! So Happy New Year and here's to 2021!!!

I haven't been painting, only looking at it and actually thinking of how to finish my work in progress.  I feel like when I really get into it, it will be time to put it down again, but when I'm done with school I can devote my time to my creative side.  So yeah, I do have something to look forward to..thank goodness!!